Anti wrinkle skin care ingredients Hydrolic Acid Review

What is hyaluronic acid?

Hyaluronic acid is found in human connective tissue, the function of which is to cushion and lubricate. Presumably, its moisturizing and humectant effects are the key to its presence in these parts of the body. It is most concentrated in the joints, heart valves and eyes.

Is hyaluronic acid an effective anti wrinkle ingredient?

Hyaluronic acid not only works as a moisturizer, it also seems to speed the rejuvenation of damaged skin cells. Our only question is, why don't more anti wrinkle products include it? There are very few ingredients that hold as much promise as hyaluronic acid.

What does hyaluronic acid do?

Hyaluronic acid is primarily used as a moisturizing agent. Hyaluronic acid seems to prevent scarring, as well. Because of its ability to "latch onto" huge numbers of water molecules and bring them into the cells of the skin, it is an extremely effective moisturizer. It is a known fact that fetuses do not scar and this is thought to be due to the extremely high levels of hyaluronic acid in the amniotic fluid. Doctors routinely make use of medications containing hyaluronic acid to treat premature wrinkling, scarring and even to assist in the healing process.
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