I'm A Celebrity: Did Kayla Collins REALLY have to wear such a revealing monokini for Celebrity Chest task?


Revealing: Kayla Collins wore an incredibly revealing monokini to take part in the Celebrity Chest task with Jenny Eclair on I'm A Celebrity... Get Me Out Of Here!

When she was told she would have to wear swimwear to take part in the Celebrity Chest task on I'm A Celebrity... Get Me Out Of Here!, exhibitionist Kayla Collins couldn't believe her luck.

The 23-year-old Playboy Playmate quickly searched through her array of swimsuits to find the skimpiest one, before eventually deciding on an incredibly revealing black monokini.

However, 50-year-old comedian Jenny Eclair, who took part in the Celebrity Chest with Kayla, was less than impressed when she found out she would also have to don a swimsuit.

Get snappy: Jenny and Kayla had to unscrew teeth from a crocodile's mouth inside a pungent swamp

However, Jenny said: 'Kayla was fantastic, every time she got out of the swamp she did it with a beautiful ballet toe, pointed ballet toe. I was envious of that!'

Despite winning the chest, Jenny said she didn't hold out much hope that the rest of camp would be able to answer the question to fully unlock the chest.

She said: 'We won’t win it, we never do. We always get the chest wrong. Completely pointless exercise, might as well have just sat in that camp all afternoon.'

But when Jenny and Kayla returned to the camp, the rest of the celebrities were keen for them to have a wash before they tried to answer the chest.

And the pair were furious when their fellow contestants tried to start answering which of the quotes was said by which of their former campmates - to win the chest they had to correctly answer six out of the seven questions.

Going for it: The girls eventually managed to win the chest after working well together as a team

Jenny was not happy, adding: 'We did all the hard work for that, we should read them out.'

She moaned: 'Well that’s lovely for me isn’t it? Wearing a swimming costume next to Kayla, I’ve got a massive rash rampaging all up my neck and shoulders, I’ve got cellulite riddling all up the backs of my legs and I’m going to be standing next to Kayla in a swimming costume.'

She then added: 'Kayla is much much fitter than I am, in every sense of the word.'
As they got close to the chest area, Jenny and Kayla smelt a 'horrible stench' from the pool, and quickly realised they would have to get in to it.

The aim of the game was to pump open the jaws of the plastic crocodile, unscrew its teeth and place them on to a giant key.

They would have to get a certain amount of teeth to release the smaller key that would unlock the chest.

But Jenny refused to wear just a swimming costume, insisting on wearing her shorts, adding: 'I’m not taking my shorts off when I’m standing next to a 22 or 23-year-old glamour model, I’m not mad!'

And while the pair quickly got the hang of the task, Jenny said the hardest part was getting out of the swamp elegantly.

Delighted: Kayla couldn't conceal her delight as Aggro helped her and Jenny take the chest into camp

She then added: 'For me that was a lot more strenuous and a lot more difficult than doing any of the Bush Tucker Trials I’ve done…It nearly killed me…I think when we came back me and Kayla should read them out.'

Kayla then read out the quotes and the celebrities succeeded in guessing the answers to all seven quotes and won spices, salt and pepper and seasoning.

The quotes included: 'People forget that I'm that old, they think I'm Peter Pan', which was said by Shaun.'

The celebrities later started talking about Kayla, with Dom saying they had started to see the real side of Playboy star Kayla.

He said: 'The real Kayla is coming out and I don't think it's a very pretty sight. I think she's probably very high maintenance in real life.'

It was 'Dunnygate', where Kayla had to clean up faeces left in the jungle toilet, that ensured the celebrities began to get to know the real star.

Run! Dom Joly completed the Bushtucker Trial of Savage Garden Centre

Struggling: Dom had to root around in a variety of horrible containers to find the stars

Dom added: 'Dunnygate was the real Kayla there, that's pretty girl syndrome. She had an anger in her eyes - she was angry.

'She’s not stupid, well she is quite stupid but she is street smart. She is tough.'

He added in the Bush Telegraph: 'The real Kayla is coming out and it’s not a pretty sight. I reckon she’s really high maintenance in real life. Ball buster is the word I’d use.'

Yesterday saw the exit of camp moaner Gillian McKeith, and the rest of the celebrities couldn't have been happier.

Former Happy Mondays star Shaun Ryder was absolutely delighted when the nutritionist was voted out, declaring: 'Fantastic, what a good choice public - I love the public. The public are very intelligent and wise.

'I'm a so relieved she's gone - all's fair in love and hate.'

Afterwards in the Bush Telegraph, Shaun said: 'It was wonderful to say goodbye to Gillian - absolutely great!

'I’m glad it was Gillian that went, personally for me, pure selfishness, couldn’t have been better.'

It's a smelly job: Dom had to root around in a huge pile of dung to find a star

Shaun's happy mood was then noticed by the rest of the campmates, especially Stacey who said: 'Shaun is as happy as Larry.

'I don’t know if its just because Gillian’s gone but he’s had a really good morning and I think he’s going to have a really good day today. Singing, dancing, smiling, that’s the Shaun we know and love.'

And later Jenny commented that Gillian had predicted her departure from the show, adding: 'She packed her bags, she had her coat ready, she’s a witch…she knew when she was going.'

Later in the show, the celebrities were seen trying to decide which of them would take part in the Bushtucker Trial, Savage Garden Centre.

Dom quickly volunteered for the trial in order to redeem himself after refusing to spend a night in the cave of terror the night before.

He said: 'I should do it as I didn’t go in the cave and I’ve not done one for a while. I’m going to have to face it. I don't know what this one is so it's a risk.'

Playtime: The celebrities were treated to a game of pass the parcel but it wasn't as fun as it first appeared

On his way to the trial, Dom explained: 'One of the reasons I did this today is that I felt I needed to get out and get the adrenaline pumping - I like adrenaline and I like being under pressure.'

When he got to the trial clearing, Dom was told he would have to try and find seven stars that were hidden in a giant greenhouse, two water pots and giant dung heap that made up the Savage Garden Centre.

A clue to the location of each star was given by a garden gnome before the 30 second limit to find the star began. Dom was also told the star would have to be placed in a wheelbarrow before the 30 seconds ran out for it to count and be considered a meal for camp.

But Dom wasn't too happy about the trial, telling Ant and Dec: 'It wasn't what I was hoping for. I'll be brutally honest with you, lads.'

For the first star, Dom was told to 'check out those boxes on the side' by the garden gnome, and quickly rummaged through to find the star before the time ran out - seemingly unconcerned by the rats inside the boxes.

Not so good: Dom was disgusted when he found out there were cockroaches in the package

However, he was unable to locate the second star in the set time.

At one point Dom muttered: 'This is it, the lowest moment in my television career!'
He then won a further two stars but lost out on the rest despite the fact he declared before he started: 'I want to beat Aggro because he’s a very tough rapper and I want to disrespect him to the max.'

So, at the end of the task, Dom only succeeded in getting three stars for camps - meaning three meals to share between the seven remaining celebrities.
Afterwards, he said: 'That was Aggro level, I’m very disappointed with that - it spells loser to me.'

Coming back to camp to inform the celebrities of his trial result, Dom said: 'I thought I’d chicken out, there were spiders there but I threw them across the room, I also got dung on Ant and Dec so that deserves a star.

'I did it all but it was just more annoying that I couldn't find them. But there's nothing I can do about it.'

Yuk! Kayla started screaming when she found a 'leech' on her arm, but her fellow celebrities played the incident down

Having a chat: Jenny and Dom take about their fellow campmates as they sit on the communal sofa

Later the celebrities were treated to a game of pass the parcel, to the soundtrack of In The Jungle.

Wearing party hats, the stars passed around the box, but it was Linford who opened the first layer to find hoards of cockroaches.

Dom said: 'Seriously, for one night, just leave the bloody cockroaches!'
And Kayla added: 'This games sucks, we should be getting food, they know how hungry we are.'

Each layer of the parcel contained a gift from a former contestant, and the first one had Gillian McKeith's own brand health bars inside.

But Dom was less than impressed with the gift, saying: 'Would you eat them? Look at the way she has behaved for the past three weeks, would you really think, "I need whatever health bar she's eating?" Come on!'

He's out: Linford was the latest celebrity to be voted off

Other gifts include coconut butter from Alison Hammond and antiseptic wipes from Britt Eckland.

And it seems being in the jungle is taking its toll on Dom and Jenny, who both admitted they are bored with the conversation between campmates and living in the jungle.

Jenny said: 'I’ve felt fine, weepy, mad, fine, weepy mad today and I’m not sure I can go through another day. It’s like time has stood still like groundhog day.'

Dom added: 'I’ve had it with this endless round of conversation, I need to talk to someone else, if you weren’t here I would have definitely walked, I need to talk about something else, I sit here and listen to endless conversations about sh** music I hate.

'It is groundhog day in ever decreasing circles, I could very much do with Kayla going. She’s really annoying me for no reason at all it’s totally not her fault, it’s mine.'

And while Jenny said Kayla hasn't been annoying her, she added: 'She doesn’t do anything for me at all. I try to be sympathetic but she’s totally disinterested in me and what I do, she’s only asked me one question, what I used my mayonnaise for at home. She told me today she’s worried about her cat.'

Dom agreed: 'That’s the big emotional issue of her life. I think she finds you frightening because you are old. You represent her future.'

Slightly offended, Jenny replied: 'I’m trying not to be insulted by that! She finds Hugh Hefner a bit disgusting to her credit, she cringes about all the girls who actually sleep with him.'

In the evening, the camp were given three kangaroo sausages following Dom's performance in the trial.

And while Dom said he shouldn't have any of the meat, the rest of the camp insisted he should have a little bit of the sausage.

However, Kayla started to annoy Linford when she tried to put herbs and seasoning in with the beans.

He later said: 'I do not like taking orders in the kitchen. The person who is cooking should do the cooking.'

With only seven celebrities left in the camp, conversation topics are starting to dry up, prompting Shaun to tell his campmates about his troubled childhood involving vandalism, theft and selling stolen goods.

The singer admitted: 'As a child I loved getting chased and climbing, also stealing and entering and vandalism. On our industrial estate we had a Schweppes and a Bulmers and by the age of 12 I’d screwed the lot of them.

'I robbed them all. I sold the booze to an ice cream man. Once someone broke into our junior school, chopped the heads off the hamster and guinea pigs, sh** all over the place, smashed the place up and wrote Shaun Ryder on the blackboard. They spelled me name wrong of course.

'Before I was ten, three kids grabbed hold of me and held me down while one booted the hell out of me.

'We also used to get ping pong balls put them in silver paper, burn them and they’d be smoke bombs.'

source: dailymail
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